He looks like he's waving in this one!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I think we have a model on our hands...or maybe not!!!!
On Brady's 2-week birthday we attempted to have his newborn photos taken by my friend Julie (who took my maternity pictures). Brady had plans of his own, though- to cry uncontrolably! EEK! So, Julie came back the next day to try again. Brady was sleeping HARD when she arrived so we thought this would be perfect! By the time we got him naked for his pics he was awake, but not crying. YAY! BUT, the instant Julie took the first picture and he saw the big flashes (she had set up her BIG flash stands...not just the one attached to her camera), he got spooked and started crying. There were a few moments that he settled down and that's how she was able to get these great pictures! The good news is, Brady is beautiful!!! The bad news is, he apparently hates cameras! Here are some of my favorite shots Julie got!
He looks like he's waving in this one!
Such a sweet little boy!
He looks like he's nervous in this one...chewing his fingernails!!!
Uh-oh, he's starting to look pitiful! Poor little guy! How is it possible for him to be so cute when he's upset?!?! Love him!
He looks so precious in this one. He's content in Mommy and Daddy's hands!
He looks like he's waving in this one!
Randomness of Brady's 1st 3 Months of Life
So, this being a Mom thing really takes a lot of your time! I apologize for my serious blog slacking but I really hope to be better about it because I know that one day I will really want to remember what our lives were like when Brady was brand new! So, here's a random list of fun things about Brady in these first 3 months of life. I know one day he will want to hear about this....right?!?! If not, I know I will!!! I will do another post soon with some of my favorite pictures from these months too!
- Your dad and I are truly obsessed with you. I have no idea what we used to talk about before you came into our lives. We love you SO MUCH and LOVE being your parents!
- You definitely have a mind of your own and we’ve known that from the beginning when you came 6 days before your due date and 2 days before your scheduled C-Section. You are definitely the BOSS!
- You make the funniest faces! I could just watch you for hours. One of my favorites was the “whistle face” that you made when you were tiny and I would change your diaper. Now you are starting to smile and laugh and that's EVERYONE'S favorite!
-You are a GOOD eater!!! I was a little worried when you lost 12 ounces in the hospital (7 lb, 2 oz), but you have DEFINITELY made up for it since then. When we saw the pediatrician 2 days after we left the hospital you had already gained 4 ounces (7 lb, 6 oz), and when we saw the lactation consultant 10 days later you had gained another pound and 3 ounces (8 lb, 7 oz)! Then 10 days later at our pediatrician appointment you had gained another pound and 7 ounces (9 lb, 14 oz). Then, I stopped worrying about you- I definitely think you have this nursing thing figured out! I am so proud of you!
- At all of your doctor's appointments you have been in the HIGH percentiles. At your 2 month check-up you were in the 86th for weight, 96th for length, and 99th for head circumference! You are a BIG boy!
-You wore newborn clothes and diapers for about a month and a half. Then we were up to size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes. At about 2 months you started wearing ALL 0-3 and 3 month clothes and we finised out your size 1 diapers (we got A LOT for shower gifts- yay!) and moved on to size 2! At 3 months you wore mostly 3 month and some 3-6 month clothing (it is amazing how quickly you grow out of things- mostly due to length, you have a LONG torso) and were still in size 2 diapers. You are SO stinkin' cute!
- Your cheeks get chubbier every single day- and I LOVE them!
- We love to sing to you! Your favorites are “My Ole Baby Bunting”, "Hush Little Baby", "Jesus Loves Me", and "You Are My Sunshine"!
- You are your father’s child- you look almost EXACTLY like his baby pictures (but you have my big dark eyes)!
- Your eyes are still a beautiful blue-gray, but I think they get darker every day.
- We have had lots of nicknames for you including: Brade, Little Monkey, Sweet Boy, Tree Frog, Simba (thanks to your Dad holding you up and singing "Kee-Mo-Tab-Ay"), Savage, Little Boy, The Bradester, and Bush Baby just to name a few.
- You stick out your bottom lip and cry big tears- it melts our hearts and I think you have figured that out already!
- I am convinced that your hair is going to be curly like your Daddy’s was when he was little!
- You are the 1st grandbaby on both sides of the family, so you are the apple of EVERYONE’S eye! You have a G-Daddy, Mama Lu, and Aunt Rachel on my side. And a Poppa, Grammie, Aunt Whitney, and Uncle Jack Dog on your Dad’s side.
- You ventured out of “the bubble” very little in your first month of life, but have since made many trips out and about. Usually you do just great and mostly sleep in the car.
- You were born with quite a bit of hair, but lost a lot of it on top after about a month. It has since grown back in and is getting long in the back! It feels like velvet and your Dad and I love to rub it when we hold you!
- During your 1st month you ate about 7-8 times per day, in your 2nd month you ate about 6-8 times per day (I finally stopped waking you up to feed you in the middle of the night- this took a lot of convincing), at 3 months you ate 5-7 times a day. A usual feeding takes 30 or so minutes. You seem to get enough to eat no matter how many times a day you eat! You are pretty awesome!
- We have been using Pampers Swaddlers and Huggies diapers. I think the Pampers are your favorite because you somehow manage to pee out of the Huggies! ;)
- You are DEFINITELY a boys’ boy- you can already burp and toot like a MAN!
- You LOVE your swing and like to nap in it sometimes during the day!
- We tried the Brady-version of Baby Wise to get you on an eating and sleeping schedule. I think it worked! In the 1st month you slept 4.5-5 hours straight at night, 2nd month it went up to 6, and by month 3 you were up to 8-10! We are SO proud...and thankful!
- You have really long fingers and we think you will be a GREAT wide receiver or piano player….or maybe both!
- Your belly is huge and hangs over the sides of your diaper sometimes- it’s precious!
- You love the Boppy because when you see it you know it’s time to eat!
- You will FIGHT to stay awake at all costs during the day. I think it's because you are curious and afraid you will miss something. Usually during the day we have to walk or bounce you to sleep. At night, I usually nurse you and rock you and you fall right to sleep!
- You make some funny noises…and some NOT so funny ones (like gasping) that give me mini-heart attacks (thankfully you have grown out of the gasping- whew!!!).
- You are very “busy” and your arms and legs are almost always moving! At about 3 months you started figuring out how your arms and hands work and starting using them to swat at and grab things....like my glasses!
- Your favorite place to have your arms is right next to your ears- like the TOUCHDOWN motion. We still swaddle you when you sleep, but in the mornings as soon as you are un-swaddled your arms go straight up by your head!
- You smell SO GOOD!
- You can roll over…if you want to! You started faking us out when you were just 10 days old (and rolled to your side)! You rolled over for the first time from your tummy to your back on G-Daddy and Mama Lu's ottoman! You were only 9 weeks old (5/21)!!! You have since only done it about 5 times, but you CAN do it! :)
- At about 3 weeks you developed baby acne, we blamed it on the baby lotion and wash we were using and have since only used fragrance-free Aveeno. Your face cleared up in a couple weeks and was kissable the whole time anyway! :)
- You have your Daddy’s floppy ears…they are so bendy! I am constantly checking to make sure I’m not folding them over!
- Your nails grow like weeds…it’s wild! I have to clip them 1-2 times a week!
- Your toenails (besides your big toe) have yet to start growing. I am okay with this!
- You have chunky knees….and I want to eat them! ;)
- Sometimes when your dad and I talk about you or love on you we grit our teeth we love you so much!
- You are a very “aggressive feeder”! Sometimes this scares me, as I think you might drown yourself. You had your first bottle on 6/13 and we're still getting used to how it works. But so far I am impressed with how you are doing!
- You have a love/hate relationship with your swaddlers. You sleep SO WELL all wrapped up in them (because your hands can’t raise up and startle you), but you are sometimes able to fight your way out of them….even with the Velcro (pretty impressive)!
- You usually sleep in a “sleep sack” (manly name for a gown) or snap-up sleepers.
- You love to watch TV, the lights fascinate you!
- Your diapered butt fits perfectly in my hand. I love to hold you up on my shoulder and pat your butt!
- I just realized how embarrassing this list is going to be when you’re 16!
- It makes me happy and sad to think about you being 16! Part of me can’t wait to see the man that you will be, but part of me wants you to stay tiny forever!
- Your umbilical cord didn’t fall off until you were 19 days old….I couldn’t wait to give you a real bath! You LOVED it! You officially have an "innie"!
- You like to be walked, rocked, bounced, and swung. So when you cry we go through quite the “song and dance” until we figure out what you want.
- You are macho! Your arms, shoulders, and thighs look like they already have definition. It’s pretty impressive!
- In your 2nd month you developed a little cradle cap, but after a few applications of Selsun Blue during bathtime your scalp is squeaky clean! :)
- You usually get a bath every other night followed by lotion, on non-bath nights you still get lotioned up! You are NOT a big fan of the lotion.
- Bedtime routine begins between 8:30-9:00. You get a bath (every other night), lotion, clean diaper, PJs, book, nurse, 10 minutes of cuddle/vertical time, and then laid down in your crib. You love bedtime and are usually pretty exhausted and cuddly at this time. :)
- You have a great grip and will hold onto anything…clothes, hands, hair….it’s sometimes painful but always precious!
- You babble all the time and like to talk back to us when we talk to you. I am pretty sure I heard you say "Ma" and "Bye" on your changing table on 5/12! You are a prodigy!
- You laughed out loud for Daddy and Grammie on 5/14 for the 1st time! It is the sweetest sound!
- You started teething at about 2 1/2 months old- the drooling and chewing have begun! Bring on the bibs (good thing you have a TON)! :)
- You are a happy baby- you really only cry when you are tired!
- You started growing eyebrows at about 2 months, but you still don't have very many.
- You love your rattle socks and anything that makes noise!
- Your Daddy and I love you SO much- more than we could have ever imagined!
- We are so thankful that God chose US to be your parents!
- Your dad and I are truly obsessed with you. I have no idea what we used to talk about before you came into our lives. We love you SO MUCH and LOVE being your parents!
- You definitely have a mind of your own and we’ve known that from the beginning when you came 6 days before your due date and 2 days before your scheduled C-Section. You are definitely the BOSS!
- You make the funniest faces! I could just watch you for hours. One of my favorites was the “whistle face” that you made when you were tiny and I would change your diaper. Now you are starting to smile and laugh and that's EVERYONE'S favorite!
-You are a GOOD eater!!! I was a little worried when you lost 12 ounces in the hospital (7 lb, 2 oz), but you have DEFINITELY made up for it since then. When we saw the pediatrician 2 days after we left the hospital you had already gained 4 ounces (7 lb, 6 oz), and when we saw the lactation consultant 10 days later you had gained another pound and 3 ounces (8 lb, 7 oz)! Then 10 days later at our pediatrician appointment you had gained another pound and 7 ounces (9 lb, 14 oz). Then, I stopped worrying about you- I definitely think you have this nursing thing figured out! I am so proud of you!
- At all of your doctor's appointments you have been in the HIGH percentiles. At your 2 month check-up you were in the 86th for weight, 96th for length, and 99th for head circumference! You are a BIG boy!
-You wore newborn clothes and diapers for about a month and a half. Then we were up to size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes. At about 2 months you started wearing ALL 0-3 and 3 month clothes and we finised out your size 1 diapers (we got A LOT for shower gifts- yay!) and moved on to size 2! At 3 months you wore mostly 3 month and some 3-6 month clothing (it is amazing how quickly you grow out of things- mostly due to length, you have a LONG torso) and were still in size 2 diapers. You are SO stinkin' cute!
- Your cheeks get chubbier every single day- and I LOVE them!
- We love to sing to you! Your favorites are “My Ole Baby Bunting”, "Hush Little Baby", "Jesus Loves Me", and "You Are My Sunshine"!
- You are your father’s child- you look almost EXACTLY like his baby pictures (but you have my big dark eyes)!
- Your eyes are still a beautiful blue-gray, but I think they get darker every day.
- We have had lots of nicknames for you including: Brade, Little Monkey, Sweet Boy, Tree Frog, Simba (thanks to your Dad holding you up and singing "Kee-Mo-Tab-Ay"), Savage, Little Boy, The Bradester, and Bush Baby just to name a few.
- You stick out your bottom lip and cry big tears- it melts our hearts and I think you have figured that out already!
- I am convinced that your hair is going to be curly like your Daddy’s was when he was little!
- You are the 1st grandbaby on both sides of the family, so you are the apple of EVERYONE’S eye! You have a G-Daddy, Mama Lu, and Aunt Rachel on my side. And a Poppa, Grammie, Aunt Whitney, and Uncle Jack Dog on your Dad’s side.
- You ventured out of “the bubble” very little in your first month of life, but have since made many trips out and about. Usually you do just great and mostly sleep in the car.
- You were born with quite a bit of hair, but lost a lot of it on top after about a month. It has since grown back in and is getting long in the back! It feels like velvet and your Dad and I love to rub it when we hold you!
- During your 1st month you ate about 7-8 times per day, in your 2nd month you ate about 6-8 times per day (I finally stopped waking you up to feed you in the middle of the night- this took a lot of convincing), at 3 months you ate 5-7 times a day. A usual feeding takes 30 or so minutes. You seem to get enough to eat no matter how many times a day you eat! You are pretty awesome!
- We have been using Pampers Swaddlers and Huggies diapers. I think the Pampers are your favorite because you somehow manage to pee out of the Huggies! ;)
- You are DEFINITELY a boys’ boy- you can already burp and toot like a MAN!
- You LOVE your swing and like to nap in it sometimes during the day!
- We tried the Brady-version of Baby Wise to get you on an eating and sleeping schedule. I think it worked! In the 1st month you slept 4.5-5 hours straight at night, 2nd month it went up to 6, and by month 3 you were up to 8-10! We are SO proud...and thankful!
- You have really long fingers and we think you will be a GREAT wide receiver or piano player….or maybe both!
- Your belly is huge and hangs over the sides of your diaper sometimes- it’s precious!
- You love the Boppy because when you see it you know it’s time to eat!
- You will FIGHT to stay awake at all costs during the day. I think it's because you are curious and afraid you will miss something. Usually during the day we have to walk or bounce you to sleep. At night, I usually nurse you and rock you and you fall right to sleep!
- You make some funny noises…and some NOT so funny ones (like gasping) that give me mini-heart attacks (thankfully you have grown out of the gasping- whew!!!).
- You are very “busy” and your arms and legs are almost always moving! At about 3 months you started figuring out how your arms and hands work and starting using them to swat at and grab things....like my glasses!
- Your favorite place to have your arms is right next to your ears- like the TOUCHDOWN motion. We still swaddle you when you sleep, but in the mornings as soon as you are un-swaddled your arms go straight up by your head!
- You smell SO GOOD!
- You can roll over…if you want to! You started faking us out when you were just 10 days old (and rolled to your side)! You rolled over for the first time from your tummy to your back on G-Daddy and Mama Lu's ottoman! You were only 9 weeks old (5/21)!!! You have since only done it about 5 times, but you CAN do it! :)
- At about 3 weeks you developed baby acne, we blamed it on the baby lotion and wash we were using and have since only used fragrance-free Aveeno. Your face cleared up in a couple weeks and was kissable the whole time anyway! :)
- You have your Daddy’s floppy ears…they are so bendy! I am constantly checking to make sure I’m not folding them over!
- Your nails grow like weeds…it’s wild! I have to clip them 1-2 times a week!
- Your toenails (besides your big toe) have yet to start growing. I am okay with this!
- You have chunky knees….and I want to eat them! ;)
- Sometimes when your dad and I talk about you or love on you we grit our teeth we love you so much!
- You are a very “aggressive feeder”! Sometimes this scares me, as I think you might drown yourself. You had your first bottle on 6/13 and we're still getting used to how it works. But so far I am impressed with how you are doing!
- You have a love/hate relationship with your swaddlers. You sleep SO WELL all wrapped up in them (because your hands can’t raise up and startle you), but you are sometimes able to fight your way out of them….even with the Velcro (pretty impressive)!
- You usually sleep in a “sleep sack” (manly name for a gown) or snap-up sleepers.
- You love to watch TV, the lights fascinate you!
- Your diapered butt fits perfectly in my hand. I love to hold you up on my shoulder and pat your butt!
- I just realized how embarrassing this list is going to be when you’re 16!
- It makes me happy and sad to think about you being 16! Part of me can’t wait to see the man that you will be, but part of me wants you to stay tiny forever!
- Your umbilical cord didn’t fall off until you were 19 days old….I couldn’t wait to give you a real bath! You LOVED it! You officially have an "innie"!
- You like to be walked, rocked, bounced, and swung. So when you cry we go through quite the “song and dance” until we figure out what you want.
- You are macho! Your arms, shoulders, and thighs look like they already have definition. It’s pretty impressive!
- In your 2nd month you developed a little cradle cap, but after a few applications of Selsun Blue during bathtime your scalp is squeaky clean! :)
- You usually get a bath every other night followed by lotion, on non-bath nights you still get lotioned up! You are NOT a big fan of the lotion.
- Bedtime routine begins between 8:30-9:00. You get a bath (every other night), lotion, clean diaper, PJs, book, nurse, 10 minutes of cuddle/vertical time, and then laid down in your crib. You love bedtime and are usually pretty exhausted and cuddly at this time. :)
- You have a great grip and will hold onto anything…clothes, hands, hair….it’s sometimes painful but always precious!
- You babble all the time and like to talk back to us when we talk to you. I am pretty sure I heard you say "Ma" and "Bye" on your changing table on 5/12! You are a prodigy!
- You laughed out loud for Daddy and Grammie on 5/14 for the 1st time! It is the sweetest sound!
- You started teething at about 2 1/2 months old- the drooling and chewing have begun! Bring on the bibs (good thing you have a TON)! :)
- You are a happy baby- you really only cry when you are tired!
- You started growing eyebrows at about 2 months, but you still don't have very many.
- You love your rattle socks and anything that makes noise!
- Your Daddy and I love you SO much- more than we could have ever imagined!
- We are so thankful that God chose US to be your parents!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Brady is SO popular!
Brady has had lots of visitors since he's been born! Such a popular little dude!!!
Here is Brady with his Mama Lu and his great-grandparents: Nana and Poppy! 4 generations!
Brady's great-aunt Judy!
No one loves babies as much as Nana and Poppy! :)
Cousin Lauren and Thad in Brady's room!
Cousin Jenny holding Brady! I don't think he's crying...I think he's just yelling "I LOVE YOU!", right?
Brady with his sweet great-grandmother, NanNell!
Brady's buddy Jameson came to Lexington to visit! Jameson is 6 weeks older than Brady!
Jameson with his precious parents, Jon and Carly!
Claudia and Stephen with Brady. Claudia called him her "UNC baby" since he was wrapped up in Carolina blue....trust me, though, this kid will bleed UK BLUE!
Here is Brady with his Mama Lu and his great-grandparents: Nana and Poppy! 4 generations!
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