Sunday, December 5, 2010

Naming Brady Browning

A lot of people have asked me where we came up with the name Brady. Honestly, it was kind of by chance. We had chosen our name for a girl a long time ago- Bailey (after Hays' grandfather Richard Bailey). I LOVE the way Bailey Browning sounds and the initials BB, so when we started to come up with boy names I was trying to find another B name we liked. I looked through some books and some sites online and finally mentioned "Brady" to Hays. He said "I like it" and that was that. It's been our boy name ever since! :)

We had our names decided since VERY early in our pregnancy, so as soon as we found out this baby was a boy we've been calling him Brady. That's just his name! Since Hays is a football coach a lot of people will assume Brady is either after Tom Brady or Brady Quinn but neither is true. We just like the name! Not that we mind Tom Brady or Brady Quinn (whose real name is actually Brayden...interesting), but they are not the namesakes for our son. :)

So Brady Browning it is! Now for a middle name. This one has proved to be a bit tricky....there are several one syllable names that I like: Graham, Luke, and of course Hays. I just like the way a one syllable middle name sounds- I'm weird, I know! Yesterday, my friend Laura, let me know about the Baby Name Generator that will help you pick a first, middle, or BOTH names for your baby. I was intrigued. So this morning I googled it and plugged in Brady's first and last names and here were the suggestions:

1- Brady Charles Browning

2- Brady River Browning

3- Brady Kendrick Browning

And here are my thoughts:

1- Charles is actually a pretty great one because both Hays and I are mildly obsessed with the name Charlie (mostly thanks to this you tube video), but we will NEVER name our child Charlie/Charles because his last name is BROWNing.....that's just cruel!

2- River....seriously?!? I think this one might be a little too hippy/dippy for us. Sorry beautiful River Phoenix, I just don't think it's going to be THE middle name for our baby Brady! I can' t wait to see Hays' face when I pitch this name. It will be priceless!

3- Kendrick. For some reason with this one all I can think about is NASCAR. Sorry, Daddy (aka Granddaddy/GDaddy), I just don't think we can do that to Brady. :) looks like the front runner is still Hays. I think Brady Hays Browning is cute (and his namesake is pretty cute too)! ;) Don't you?

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of Hays as a middle name, I think it has a great ring and I love the use of family names anytime ... just my two cents : )

    We have a few options for each gender picked out, but I asked for a Baby Names book for Christmas and am sure that will throw a kink into our current list : )

    You continue to look adorable!
