Wednesday, February 2, 2011

32 Week Doctor's Appointment

On Tuesday we went for my 32-Week doctor's appointment. I am starting to go the doctor every 2 weeks now, so it felt like I was just there! It's great, though, I have never LOVED going to the doctor so much in my life!

My appointment was at 3:50pm, so Hays was able to come too since he usually gets home from school about that time. He met me at the appointment and they called us back about 5 minutes after I arrived. We did all the regular stuff: weighed me (up one pound from last time for a total of 17 pound weight gain so far), left a urine sample (to check for protein/glucose), took my blood pressure (120/82- almost perfect), asked all the normal questions (any cramping? no, bleeding? no, contractions? not yet), and then she asked if I had any questions. I always have a TON of questions.....but not this time, I guess since I had just been 2 weeks ago and I had just had childbirth class. I really didn't have much to ask, but I did ask about Brady's positioning and if there were any tricks I could do to get him to move. Apparently nothing is PROVEN, but you are sometimes able to get into positions that make it uncomfortable for the baby and then they turn on their own and even weird things like blaring music between your legs to cause the baby to take interest and try to head down there. Who knows how much truth there is to any of it- but if Brady's still not turned in 2 more weeks when we go for our other ultrasound, I just might have to try anything! ;)

When Dr. Schell came in we discussed the breech position some more and I told her I still felt like I could feel his head right below my ribs on my left side. She said sometimes the head can feel similar to the butt, so she did a quick ultrasound (they have a floating ultrasound machine that can go room-to-room, rather than the BIG ultrasound that I usually have mine done on), but I was just excited to get a peek at Brady! Unfortunately, he was STILL in the breech position, with his butt down and his legs up (this is called the Frank Breech positon)! What a funny little dude! You would think he'd be uncomfortable in there, but apparently he's dealing with it just fine and hasn't had an interest in moving yet! She also checked the heartbeat while looking at the ultrasound and she said it looked good (she didn't use the doppler this time so I don't know the bpm).

Then she measured my belly which was at 31.5 cm. I am SO amazed at how accurate that can be! I am 32 weeks, and measuring almost 32 cm. WOW! At my next appointment we will have another BIG ultrasound to check Brady's position and if he still hasn't moved then we will discuss version (where Dr. Schell can try to move him) or schedule a C-Section. I doubt we try the version (it sounds risky from the research I've done and is only 30% effective), so if he hasn't turned by the next appointment we will know when Brady's birthday will be! :) I did learn through my research that they will do another ultrasound just before the C-Section to ensure he is still in that position before the surgery (since sometimes they move later, but not usually due to the lack of space in my uterus)!

My next appointment is 2/17 at 4PM and Hays and my mom (Mama Lu) are coming to that one with me too! YAY for doctor's appointments and YAY for sweet Baby Brady!

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