Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 32 Weeks (8 months....whoa!!!!)
Size of Baby: Brady is the size of a honeydew melon (19 inches and 4.5 pounds)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 16 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Basically ALL maternity clothes...except my pjs (and they make me look like Gus-Gus from Cinderella which is AWESOME)! ;)
Movement: Brady moves ALL THE TIME! And I love every second of it! He's such a cool little dude! I hope with ALL this moving he learns how to flip himself over and out of the breech position! We'll find out in 2 weeks!
Sleep: Sleeping good again! YAY! Usually getting up once (maybe twice) to pee, but other than that I'm sleeping well!
What I Miss: Bending over without losing my breath! ;) Seriously, I had to sit on the ottoman the other night when I was loading clothes in the washer, could not breathe when I bent over otherwise! LOL- what a sight!
Cravings: ICE CREAM- not sure this is a pregnancy thing, though (I've ALWAYS loved me some ice cream). Watch out Chocolate Almond at Baskin Robbins and Moose Tracks at Kroger! YUMMMMMM!
Symptoms: Shortness of breath and heartburn are the big ones, but it's nothing too terrible. TUMS Smoothies are my BFF! Also, I've started being MUCH more emotional than usual- like I can cry at anything! I bought a birthday card this week, and let me just say that the greeting card aisle is NOWHERE for a pregnant lady!
Best Moment This Week: It's a tie- either "finishing" Brady's room (pictures to come) or successfully completing childbirth class on Saturday! Both were pretty fantastic! I will do a separate blog post on each of these later this week, I promise! Sorry I am so behind with the blogging!
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