Wednesday, March 2, 2011

35 Week Doctor's Appointment

On February 24th I had my 35 Week doctor's appointment (even though technically I was just 2 days from my 36th week). Anyway, the appointment went great. Very predictable these days! Hays met me at the appointment since it was later in the day- I like having him along for my appointments because he remembers EVERYTHING!

Anyway, we got called back soon after my appointment time, they weighed me (gained a pound since last week- up 21 pounds total), took my blood pressure (116/76- perfect!), and asked if I had experienced any pre-labor symptoms (I really haven't yet- at least I don't think so!). Then the doctor came in and did my GBS test (a type of strep that they need to know if I carry so they can treat me during delivery if so). Chances are it won't matter if I'm positive or negative since I am having a C-Section, and GBS is only transferred during vaginal deliveries. But, in the event that Brady flips and I do end up having a normal delivery, Dr. Schell said she wanted to know if I needed to be treated for strep at that time or not. We will get those results at the next appointment.

Then Dr. Schell used the doppler to check Brady's heartbeat, and it was a beautiful 130ish beats per minute (she said it hovered in the 130s- which is perfect)! I know I'm a little biased, but I think Brady might have the loveliest heartbeat in the world!!! :)

I asked Dr. Schell about some of the specifics of a C-Section and she was very helpful in explaining everything. My surgery is scheduled for 3/22 at 9AM, with pre-admission testing on 3/21 at 8AM. During the pre-admission testing they do bloodwork and paperwork, so all that is taken care of before I come in for the surgery. Dr. Schell said with the C-Section being at 9, I probably wouldn't have to get there before 8AM. Which is pretty fantastic if you ask me! I figured she would say 6AM or maybe even staying the night before. I was definitely pleased! Then she explained that when I checked in they would put me in a hospital gown and start fluids. Soon the anesthesiologist would come in and talk to me about the type of numbing agent they will be using for the C-Section (more than likely a spinal). Then they will take me back into the OR, give me my spinal, get everything all set up, and then Hays can come in. Dr. Schell said from the start of the procedure, Brady should be out in around 15 minutes, but the procedure itself takes 45 minutes to an hour. After Brady's born he is handed off to the pediatric team where they clean him up and do their little tests and then wrap him up and hand him to Hays. Hays can then bring him over to me to love on for a bit before they have to go off to the nursery. In the nursery, Brady will get his first bath, be weighed/measured, and footprinted. All the while I am being sewn back up. Then, once I am in recovery, Brady is brought to me and I can hold him for the first time (Dr. Schell said about 1-2 hours after he's born). I am already SO EXCITED about that moment. It's actually the moment I've been thinking about constantly for about the last 35 weeks! ;)

Dr. Schell said I'd be in the hospital around 72 hours, so I will probably be released at some point on Friday morning. That's when the fun begins. We will get to go home to our family of three!!! I just can't believe we are getting so close! I just love this time in my life- seriously, I can't remember ever being happier!!!

I went ahead and made the rest of my doctor's appointments before we left. I go back 3/3, 3/10, and 3/17- then it's time to HAVE A BABY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo exciting! I can't believe it's less than 3 weeks away, crazy! I'm glad your visits are still uneventful, those are the best as far as I'm concerned! I'm so glad you stopped by on Saturday - the next time I see you, you'll be a Mom!!
